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The IllInoIs sIg
Sigma Chi Fraternity at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Winter 2018–2019
Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 |
a message from the housIng
corporaTIon presIdenT Alumni Spotlight Robert A. Cagann ’61
Editor’s NotE: For this edition of the newsletter, we’re shin-
Teamwork + Dedication = Mission Possible ing the spotlight on Brother Bob Cagann ’61. Bob recently
visited his alma mater and spoke to the brothers at a chapter
Brothers, meeting about how the white cross has helped him through his
Your dedicated board mem- time at the University of Illinois, and throughout his life. After
bers took on a near-impossible completing a degree in economic theory with an emphasis in
task: making the commitment to real estate and urban economics, Bob took his skills to the
invest capital that would provide next level. As chairman and CEO of Axiom Properties, Inc.,
he owns, controls, and manages over $500M in real estate
funds necessary to work on our assets. He has authored a textbook entitled, “Rehabilitating
dear old chapter house at 410 Apartments, A Recycling Process,” that became the leading
East John. It was a daunting task industry text on this topic. He also holds the designation of
because a majority of the work Certified Property Manager (CPM), and is a member of
done in Champaign over the past summer required Omega Tau Rho, an honorary real estate fraternity for service
much more lead time than we had available—many Bob on the tennis court at to the National Association of Realtors. Bob enjoys tennis, and
of the contractors were all booked up, but we felt it Kensington Country Club. spending time with his wife of 30 years and their three sons.
was time to really put some effort and money into
410. We pulled together as a team, and I would like What did you enjoy most as an active member? Which achievement are you most proud of?
to thank all those involved. One word can sum that up: brotherhood. I always I am most proud of how I began my business as
With the help of Steve Sarovich ’75, Dan felt that the brothers had my back, and I had theirs. a sole proprietor, and that with a lot of hard work, I
Mackey, Jim Escobar ’95, Jason Detweiler ’08, After graduation, how did you gain such an grew the business into a solid company that today
has over 170 employees and almost 6,000 apartment
and our long-time friend and architect Rod Reid impactful role in the real estate industry? units in the Midwest.
(Iowa State EX), we pulled it off. I have my doubts about my impact, however,
my degree was in real estate and urban economics What type of work are you focused on with
Here are some of the major projects that were and I had two things going for me. One, I was com- Axiom today?
coordinated and completed: mitted to success, and I remain driven to succeed Axiom properties is fundamentally a property
even now. The second is growth over time. I started management company; however, we only manage
• Refurbished the custom wood flooring my company when I was 24 years old, and as I write what we own and control. As chairman and CEO,
throughout the first floor this to you, I am fast-approaching the end of our I am responsible for the entire operation. This is no
• Painted the first floor 55th year of continuous operation and growth. longer a burden or a big challenge for me, because we
• New ceiling tiles, grid work, LED What inspired you to write a book? have very competent individuals running the opera-
lighting on the both the first and second I was very involved in education and became tion, such as my son Roger, who is now the president.
floors an adjunct professor at two junior colleges in the Outside of work, what do you do for fun?
• Updated the electrical wiring Chicago area. Additionally, I became a national I am a “workout guy” and I pride myself on
• Rehabbed the library faculty member for the Institute of Real Estate staying in shape. I don’t play a lot of golf anymore
because I have had the opportunity to play year-
Management, traveling all over the United States
• Added new plaques to the library, com- and Canada. As a result of my lecturing, I became round for 20 years. I am very involved in tennis, and
memorating our many Constantine and engaged in consulting work with several large banks I enjoy playing singles. I also have a weight-training
Significant Sigs that had portfolios of foreclosed real estate. I have regime, which keeps me toned, as well as helps my
• Refurbished fireplaces with new tile, and worn my Sig ring almost every day since my gradua- speed and coordination.
placed the blue room fireplace into inac- tion. When I was lec-
tive service for safety reasons Bob at a meeting at turing, I had many What advice can you give the alumni and
young actives about achieving their goals?
Iberia Bank.
• Refurbished all bathrooms (basement, people come up to “Keep your eye on the ball,” has been my mantra
second, and third floor) me and comment my entire career.
• Created a new back patio, among other on my ring—iden- I have a strong
major outside work tifying themselves singleness of pur-
• Reworked the house drainage kidding aside, it was pose, and do not
• Landscaping the ring that helped let anything inter-
fere with the goal
• Mom’s Club involvement—new to get me many of that I’m trying
furniture in the blue room and restora- the consulting jobs to achieve. These
tion of the volleyball court that I was fortunate have all helped me
• Remodeled and rearranged the enough to get. The with my leader-
computer book was a natural ship skills, and,
evolution of this quite frankly, the
process. success I have
Corporation President (continued on page 6) enjoyed. Bob at his office in Naples, Florida.