Page 48 - Mistranslation Laboratory: An Unfolding
P. 48

  So we are noticing processes of continental drift, where bony land forms drift in response to gravity, weight, light and time. Pressure on a specific structural element will impact on the entire system.
Enabling the life of continents are oceans and waterways. Tides of cerebro spinal fluid flow up and down the spinal column, the same saline content as the sea.
These fluids are to the trees of the nerves what rain is to the rainforests, allowing the transmission of response, emotion and idea, along branches pulsing and signalling an ancient internet of the body.
The branches of nerves are infinitely delicate, washing possibility through the forests of the body – fluids with the same saline content as the sea.
Our extracellular fluids are very salty – with sodium required for cell metabolism, for cardiovascular health, for nerve transmission and for movement.
The salt in our bodies allows fluids to be retained and absorbed...
so that those pingy little micromiracles of cellular regeneration complete their
journeys through our bodies
and back into the clouds of the world.
Now we would like to invite you to engage in anenvironmental attunement experiment. Please place your hands first in the bowl of water, then in the bowl of salt & follow the lab assistant to the balcony.
Here, we ask you to simply raise your hands up to sense the currents of the air through your newly crystallized skin. This task will take just one minute.
After one minute
Thankyou. And now please find your way back to the laboratory for workshop – our lab assistant has water and towels for you to de-crystallize your skin.

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