Page 172 - 2022-23 Auto Performance Open Wheel Catalog
P. 172

                    Anti-Friction Engine Treatment
Additive has been tested and proven for over 20
years in gasoline and diesel engines, compressors, power tools, heavy equipment, etc. Product treats and conditions the metal, not the lubricant, and when added, reduces friction and wear between metal components.
Stay Clean ERPP500
Stay Clean provides a clear, non-stick film that protects
surfaces from grass, mud, dirt and debris. Sold in a 22-ounce spray bottle.
G-100 Lithium Grease
High-speed lithium-complex grease provides protection to wheel bearings, slides and other lubrication requirements. Sold in a 14.5-ounce cartridge or 16-ounce tub.
Part No.
 5-oz. Bottle
  8-oz. Bottle
16-oz. Bottle
  1-Gallon Jug
    Citrus Engine Degreaser Plus ERPP019 Versatile cleaner/degreaser features a citrus-based
formula and is safe to use on auto parts, tools, machinery, etc. Suitable for use as a tough engine degreaser or gentle, all-purpose cleaner. Rinses completely with water and leaves no residue. Sold in an 18-ounce aerosol can.
Gear & Chain Clear Grease ERPP018 High-quality, soluble grease is designed to form a pro-
tective barrier against moisture and extreme temperatures. Lubricant is recommended for all types of chains and gears. Helps reduce wear and prevents rust from forming on ex- posed surfaces. Sold in a 13-ounce aerosol can.
Breakthrough non-stick product is ready to use and
creates a shield that prevents mud and other debris from sticking. Sold in a 22-ounce spray bottle.
MuddOFF Super Concentrate
Popular with circle track and off-road racers, water-soluble non-stick product is safe for use on metal, plastics, paint, and stickers, preventing mud, dirt, and debris from sticking. One quart of concentrate yields three gallons of cleaner. Sold in 32-ounce jug.
Part No.
 14.5-oz. Cartridge
  16-oz. Tub
   G-200 Synthetic Grease
High-temperature, low-speed synthetic grease is well suited to severe applications including disc brake wheel bearings, universal joints, fan hubs, fifth wheels, etc. Sold in a 14.5-ounce cartridge or 16-ounce tub.
  Part No.
 14.5-oz. Cartridge
  16-oz. Tub
    Octane Booster ERPP033S
Fuel additive is a highly concentrated MMT lead substitute
that also increases the RON octane rating of gasoline. Prod- uct helps eliminate harmful pre-ignition caused by low-oc- tane gasoline. Sold in a 16-ounce bottle.
Multipurpose Penetrating Lube ERPP010 Lubricant features the metal conditioning technology of Energy Release in a convenient aerosol can. Product
guards against rust on exposed metal surfaces, frees bolts and fittings frozen by rust or corrosion. Sold in a 12-ounce aerosol can.
Cutting And Tapping Fluid ERPP011 Superior cutting formula incorporates Energy Release to
help tools cut through the hardest materials without distor- tion or tool wear. Fluid reduces heat and provides superior protection to cutters, drills, taps, reamers, and punches. Sold in a 13.75-ounce aerosol can.

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