Page 8 - Run Accounts Administrator Reports
P. 8

  Run Reports for Account Administrator Assignments
This part of the job aid will detail the steps to run the EU_ACCT_ADM_DEPT_ASSIGNMENTS query to obtain a list of all Account Administrator assignments for a department or department range. Follow these same steps to find/run the remaining queries:
1) EU_ACCT_ADM_PROJ_ASSIGNMENTS - Acct Admin assignments by proj
2) EU_ACCT_ADM_UNASSIGNED_DEPTS - Depts not assigned in Acct Adm
3) EU_ACCT_ADM_UNASSIGNED_OPERUNI - Oper units not assigned in Acct Adm
4) EU_ACCT_ADM_UNASSIGNED_PROJECT - Projects not assigned in Acct Adm
Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
The Query Viewer Search Page is displayed
        1. EnterEU_ADM_DEPT_ASSIGNMENTSintheQueryNamefield. 2. ClicktheSearchbutton.
The Query is listed with run options.
   3. SelecttheExcellinktoRuntoExcel
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