Page 1 - How do I Use Search Pages
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How do I Use Search Pages?

               How do I Use Search Pages?


               When you navigate to a component, the system often displays a search page on the Find an
               Existing Value tab. This topic describes how to effectively use search pages to locate data in
               Use the Search functionality in the following Compass areas: Expense Reports, GL Journals,
               Budget Journals, Budget Transfer Journals, Asset Search, Grant Proposals, Grant Awards, and

               This job aid does not apply to Payment Requests. Use the Payment Request Center under either
               Employee Self Service or Manager Self Service to locate these items.

               You can perform two types of searches in Compass:
                      Basic Search

                      Advanced Search

               Basic Search

               In general, a basic search page offers just one field by which you may perform your search;
               however, you have the option of changing your search criterion.

                 The Search By drop-down list allows you to select different fields to search against the database. In the
                   example above, you can change the search criterion if you want to search by something other than SetID.
                 You designate which field you want to search with by entering text in the Search By edit box.

                 Click the Search button to display the search results based on the criterion entered.
                   With a basic search, only the first column in the Search Results list displays as a link.

               Advanced Search

               An advanced search allows you to narrow your search by entering values in more than one
               field. When conducting a search, you can enter full or partial values for a field.

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