Page 1 - How do I Close an Award in Compass
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Award Close
How do I Close an Award in Compass?
Closing an award involves multiple steps, many of which are manual and tedious. To facilitate award closeout, Emory
built two custom pages to assist with the process:
1. Award Checklist: Provides a checklist of required actions prior to closing an award. This is the first step in closing
an award in Compass.
2. Award to Close: Page the close request is completed and the related statuses update.
You are required to complete all checkbox items on the Award Checklist page first. Any item that is not applicable
should be checked, but noted in the Notes box as not applicable.
The Award to Close page updates the status of the award and related contract, project, project activities, and speedtypes
Item New Status Navigation
Award Status CLOSED Grants> Awards> Award Profile
Contract Status CLOSED Customer Contracts> Create & Amend> General Info
Project Status New EFFDT Row > CLOSED Project Costing> Project Defn> Status
Activity Status: New EFFDT row > FINAL Project Costing> Activity Defn> Project Activities
Speedtype Status New EFFDT Row > INACTIVE Setup FSCM> Common Defn> Design Chartfields>
Define Values> Emory Speedchart Maintenance
Please remember to adhere to RGC procedure for closing an award, and let your manager know if you have any
Navigator > Grants > Awards > Emory-Close Award
The Emory-Close Award page displays.
1. Enter the Contract Number.
2. Click Search.
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Emory Confidential and Proprietary Last Revised on 12/20/2019 Return to Table of Contents