Page 6 - CAS Exception Request
P. 6
CAS Exception Request
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16. Enter a Description for the Attachments (optional).
Click the Save button.
Note: Please review the request for accuracy.
Click the Preview Approval button to confirm the request has the appropriate approvers in the workflow. The Request should route as follows for both types of requests:
1. Principal Investigator
2. RAS Director Approvers
3. FGC Manager Approvers
Note: Although labeled as “RAS Director Approvers”, t1h8is approval stop will also include
school-level approvers as well.
19. Click the Go to Form link to return to the form (not shown).
Page 6 of 8 Emory Confidential and Proprietary Last Revised on 8/4/2022 Visit the Job Aid Table of Contents for latest version.