Page 3 - New Look - Checkout and Place Order
P. 3

  Checkout and Place Order Process
 Updating the Shipping Address Header
The following steps update shipping for all items. To update a specific item, see the Updating at the Line Level.
 1. ClicktheShippingpencilicontoupdatetheShippingaddress.
Shipping addresses must be preapproved. If your address is not listed, please see the How do I Request an Off-Site
Shipping Address in Emory Express? job aid. Punch-outs must be shipped to the same location.
2. Click the shipping address radio dial. If the address is not listed, proceed to step 4. If your address is listed, proceed to step 5.
3. If your address is not listed, enter the street number in the search addresses text box. 4. ClicktheSaveChangesbutton.
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