Page 5 - How do I Approve an Emory Express Transaction
P. 5
Approving in Emory Express
Returning Items to Requisitioner
Return to Requisition allows approvers to send a requisition back to the purchaser for edits. It should only be used when you are agreeing to the charge if your requested edits are completed. To terminate a requisition or a specific line item, please see the Rejecting All Items on a Requisition or Rejecting Specific Lines on a Requisition section.
1. ClickonthewordRequisition.
2. ClicktheRequisitionsToApprovelink.
You must assign to yourself before you can use the return to the cart option.
3. Enter the Reason for return. This will give the Requisitioner an opportunity to make edit needed. 4. ClickReturntoRequisitioner.
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