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2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment
                                                                         PartyLite Benefits Highlights Guide

        Make Your Luminex Home Décor and Fragrance

        Benefits Work for You



        Know About Enrollment
        Do I Need to Enroll?
        There are great reasons to take a close look at all the benefits and options Luminex Home Décor and Fragrance offers you, even if you’re
        already covered under the Luminex Home Décor and Fragrance benefit plan(s). Significant changes have been made to your medical and
        vision coverage options for 2019. Please review all benefits offerings before making your final enrollment decisions. If you don’t enroll,
        your coverage will be waived for 2019. You must enroll if you want to:
        • Keep or change your medical, dental, and/or vision coverage for next year
        • Contribute to flexible spending accounts (FSAs)
        • Open a Health Savings Account
        • Change your additional benefit choices
        To enroll, visit by November 26th, 2018.
        When Can I Enroll?
        As a benefits-eligible employee, you can enroll in or change your benefit plans during our annual benefits enrollment period. This year
        Annual Enrollment will be held November 12th - November 26th. The benefit choices you make will be effective from January 1, 2019 -
        December 31, 2019.
        As a new employee, you become eligible for benefits on the 1st day of the month following 30 days of employment and must enroll within
        30 days to have coverage for the remainder of the current plan year. You may also need to enroll for the next plan year during Annual

        Who Can I Cover?
        You can enroll yourself and your eligible dependents in medical, dental, and/or vision benefits. Eligible dependents include your:
        • Spouse
        • Child(ren) up to age 26 regardless of marital or student status
        • Unmarried child(ren) of any age who can’t support themselves due to a disability and who are totally dependent on you
        What if Things Change?
        You can’t change your coverage during the plan year unless you have a qualified life event. You must make any eligible changes within 30
        days of the event. Qualified life events include, but are not limited to:
        • Marriage, legal separation, or divorce
        • Birth or legal adoption of a child
        • Death of your spouse or a dependent child
        *Your new coverage will take effect within 60 days of the event if you, your spouse, or your eligible dependent child loses coverage under Medicaid or a state
         Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or becomes eligible for state-provided premium assistance.
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