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How to Own Any Conversation:
4 Ways to Read Them, Before They Read You (Body Language Tips)
Let’s be honest with ourselves, whenever we have a conversation with someone, whether you want to admit it or not, we want to sound smart, appear knowledgeable and exude confidence.
What most people don’t realize is that our body language speaks volumes, it tells the story of how we are “really feeling” inside, despite what comes out of our mouth.
Now, when you have a little more intel on how to a read a person’s body language, you can read if they are comfortable or not, and adjust how you communicate, and essentially lead and own the conversation. I call it the power of unspoken signals.
Let’s talk about how you can read others people’s body language and learn how to control your own. Below I’ve shared the body language cue and what it means.
Fast blinking.
Blinking is a natural human function, however the speed that a person blinks is very telling. Blinking slowly is a sign of disinterest (recall yourself trying to stay awake when you’re tired). Fast blinking is a sign of stress, but potentially good stress; excitement or nervousness. Want to know who’s bored, calm or stressed at a meeting, watch the eyes.
Mirroring is act of mimicking another person’s movements. This is done to quickly build rapport and a build a connection. If you want someone to “like” you, calmly mirror their movements. Make sure to not mirror movements right away, otherwise you’ll look awkward and draw the wrong type of attention to yourself.
Fidgeting is known as a displacement gesture, it’s the way we release the nervous energy. Fidgeting can look like - foot or finger tapping, consistently handling an object like a pen, etc. If someone is doing this, they are highly uncomfortable in the conversation.
The Throat Touch.
The throat area indicates communication and vulnerability. If someone consistently touches their throat when speaking to you, they are subconsciously signalling that there is something they want to say, but may not know how to say it.
Everything we do from the way we raise our eyebrows to how fast we blink tells a story, it tells our true feelings. There is so much that can be read through facial expressions, micro expressions, hand gestures, and body language cues.
Now that you have a little more information when it comes to body language, use it to power up your conversations, read other’s reactions and move forward in the right direction.
Please visit My Website for more body language and communication tips and resources My Books
•How to live a life with no excuses •Speak like you breathe
Karen Donaldson, is an international celebrity communication, body language and certified confidence coach.
She’s the body language expert for Women's Health and Cosmopolitan Magazine & a regular communications expert for local and national media.