Page 29 - Toronto North Lifestyle May 2022
P. 29
Spreading Breakdancing
Continued from Page 28
MAIN PHOTO: Sooters Studio, 2018
INSET PHOTOS Below: Andy Scheel, Graffiti Alley, 2021
wanted something much more basic and sequential. I figured if I put an hours’ worth of material on this video, maybe I would be able to also market it. A few years later, I produced 3 DVDs which cover over 70 moves and 10 routines, including tips and dance theory. The total amount of footage is approximately 3 hours and 40 minutes.
As you can imagine, the DVD sales started to slow down over time due to streaming services, so I decided to upload everything to my website and sell them digitally.
What are your plans for your online tutorials in the future? I am interested in finding a distributor, who would distribute my videos in DVD format in places like Wal Mart or Shoppers Drug Mart. I have also been working with the Trade Commissioners Services to try and find a distributor in China who specializes in educational
products and/or film distribution. Eventually, I would like to mass market my content to anyone interested in learning how to breakdance across the world. Especially with breakdancing debuting in the Olympics in 2024, I think the interest in this dance form will expand.
You mention on your site some charitable work you have done with breakdancing. Any specific plans you have in the future? Yes. I know SickKids Hospital has a building campaign they are working on, and I was hoping to organize a street show where we could raise awareness about the building campaign as well as raise some funds for it through buskering and sponsorships.
Teddy, thank you for your time and best of luck with all your ventures both in business and charity!
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