Page 661 - Parts and Accessories Catalogue
P. 661
Six different application specific products, perfect for emergency repairs. Quick and easy permanent repairs to fix anything, no mess. Harden in minutes, excellent adhesion to metal, wood, ceramic, plastic and more. Superior strength for interior or exterior use. Carve, saw, file, sand, paint, tap, or drill it. Convenient POP display box. Extended Shelf Life.
POLYMERIC SYSTEMS INC. QUIKWOOD Replacing rotten or worn teak or wood, fill nail and screw holes, gouges, and scratches. Repair moulding panel frames, level tables, chair legs. ORDER NO. 791-71061 Size 57 gr
POLYMERIC SYSTEMS INC. AQUAMEND Fiberglass, wood, metal decks or hulls. Repair pipes, electrical connections, leaking gaskets, water tanks, tubs, battery boxes, sinks, spas, hot tubs, pools, and more. Cures underwater. ORDER NO. 791-70561 Size 114 gr
POLYMERIC SYSTEMS INC. FASTSTEEL Iron pipes, tanks, tools, stripped threads, blowholes, molds, down spouts, gutters, ductwork. Meets USDA requirements for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants. Certified by NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) for use in contact with potable water. ORDER NO. 791-51061 Size 114 gr
POLYMERIC SYSTEMS INC. QUIKALUMINUM Marine doors, pontoons, boats, aircraft floats, windows, aluminum siding, aluminum tanks, recreational vehicles, aluminum boats, pipes, skegs, and more. Meets Food Grade Requirements. Cures underwater. ORDER NO. 791-57061 Size 114 gr
POLYMERIC SYSTEMS INC. QUIKPLASTIK Paddle boats, Boston Whalers, snowmobile hoods, plastic pipes, appliance plastic, automotive plastic, and more. Only product to repair ABS and PVC plastic. ORDER NO. 791-75551 Size 114 gr
POLYMERIC SYSTEMS INC. QUIKTITANIUM Perfect for high temperature applications (up to 500 degrees F) mufflers, engine blocks. Any application where super strength and high heat is required: iron pipes, tanks, tools, stripped threads, blowholes, molds, down spouts, and more. ORDER NO. 791-78051 Size 114 gr
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NATURAL MARINE AQUATIC WEED CONTROL NOWEEDMAT This proven aquatic weed control mat curtails and prevents weed growth. Measuring a full 18’ X 30’ (3m X 6m) cottagers can enjoy weed-free swimming and boating pleasure. This soft-on-the- feet product is simply floated out into place and weighted down with rocks or bags of sand or re-bar. After 5 weeks it can be removed, cleaned and stored. Cottagers can expect up to 15 years life when used as directed. ORDER NO. 791-12510 18’ x 30’ Mat ORDER NO. 791-99521 Mat Cleaner
Eco Rated.
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