Page 12 - TORONTO NORTH April 2023
P. 12

Let’s Talk about
Robert Land Academy
Robert Land Academy is a non-profit, private, military-inspired boarding school established in 1978 and located on 168 acres in rural Niagara. It offers a highly structured living and learning environment for boys in Grades 5 through 12 with consistent adult supervision. The Academy's mission centers on actualizing boys' academic, moral, and physical potential. It is a program designed to redirect behaviour rather than merely accommodate it, paving the way toward achieving positive goals and personal fulfillment.
Robert Land Academy's academic program offers an interactive and collaborative learning environment that focuses on developing foundational skills. Smaller classroom sizes allow teachers to build a personal relationship with each student and provide personalized descriptive feedback on a continuous basis. In addition, the Academy's structured program provides supervised academic study halls and daily tutorials with a qualified professional to support student progress.
Underachieving students, whether they lack focus, lack ambition, or lack the necessary skills, often respond positively to the Academy's program and demonstrate significant personal growth. The Academy fosters an environment conducive to leading a healthy, active lifestyle with a wide variety of sports and adventure activities to complement the rigorous academic program. By emphasizing responsibility and personal accountability inherent in the military model, students are provided with the opportunity to develop self-discipline and improve confidence.
The program at Robert Land Academy addresses the gaps in student learning that have appeared over the past two years by offering students the individual supports they require to achieve their academic goals.
Find out more about the program at
By: TROY KRYWULAK Admissions Officer
The past two years have been challenging for families. It has also been challenging for students whose progress was disrupted as they oscillated between in- person and online learning. Monitoring and assessing student progress were difficult, and as a result, gaps have appeared in student learning. Many students are missing foundational skills and prerequisite knowledge as they move forward in their education.
At Robert Land Academy, students did not experience the same inconsistencies in their learning. Online classes were taught live by RLA teachers, and achievement was still monitored and recognized. Remediation classes continued, as did tutoring and study halls.
They will continue in September as well as part of Robert Land Academy’s academic program that provides the support, remediation and planning each student needs to reach their full potential. (I'd like to break this up into two sentences. Something like - These programs will continue in September, too. Robert Land Academy will maintain its structured and supportive academic program by providing the care, remediation, and planning each student needs to reach their full potential.

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