Page 1015 - Parts and Accessories Catalogue 2022-2023
P. 1015
3MTM DUST FREE HOSE EXTENSION KIT To be used for sanding with dust free blocks and tools. This kit will convert large hose dust free systems into a 20 foot, 1" outside diameter vacuum hose.
ORDER NO. 600-05215
Mfr. No. 05215
3MTM PERFECT-ITTM WOOL COMPOUNDING PAD - 9" High performance double sided 100% wool compound pad. Refines P1200 and finer sand scratches and other paint surface defects. Unique quick connect design. Use with 3M’s Rubbing Compounds #600- 06085 to remove sand scratches. For use with 3M’s Quick Connect Adapter 600-05752. Aggressively fast-cutting pad. Excellent for hard paints. ORDER NO. 600-05753 Mfr. No. 05753
3MTM HOOK-ITTM SBS WOOL COMPOUNDING PAD - 9" Single sided 60/40 wool blend compounding pad with medium cut. Suggested use with Perfect-ItTM Rubbing Compound # 600-06085. Hook-ItTM attachment uses 600-05768 and 600-05779 disc pads. ORDER NO. 606-05711 Mfr. No. 05711
• Comfortable and secure grip • Helps prevent marring of the finish of a
boat or vehicle • Designed to help remove residue from
foam and wool buffing pads quickly and easily, cleaning away waste material that can diminish effectiveness of the pad.
ORDER NO. 600-05761 Mfr. No. 05761
Designed for delicate surfaces and light cleaning jobs. Great for windows, ceramic tile, etc. ORDER NO. 600-84400 Mfr. No. F-8440
Size: 4-5/8" x 10"
3MTM PERFECT-ITTM 100% WOOL POLISHING PAD Double sided yellow blended wool, aggressive polishing pad. Removes compound swirl marks and fine paint surface defects. These high performance buffing pads make it quick and easy to attach pads to polishers, plus they perfectly center each pad every time. For use with 3MTM machine polishes and 3MTM Quick connect Adapter 600-05752.
ORDER NO. 600-05754 9" Pad Mfr. No. 05754
3MTM PERFECT-ITTM 100% WOOL COMPOUNDING PAD - 9" Double sided, low linting, 100% wool, aggressive fast cutting compound pad. Designed to refine P1200 and finer sand scratches and other paint surface defects. Provides a finer finish than most 100% wool pads without lint mess. For use with 3MTM Quick Connect Adapter 600-05752. Suggested for use with Perfect-ItTM Rubbing Compound #600-06085. ORDER NO. 600-33279 Mfr. No. 33279
3MTM HOOK-ITTM SBS WOOL POLISHING PAD - 9" Single sided yellow blended wool polishing pad used to remove compound swirl marks and fine paint surface defects. Use with 3M Machine Polishes & 600-05768 and 600-05779 disc pads.
ORDER NO. 606-05713 Mfr. No. 05713
3MTM INSTA-LOKTM DOODLEBUGTM PAD HOLDER This holder has a swivel head and is most commonly used with a 1-1/8" by 5 ft. wooden broom handle (not included).
ORDER NO. 600-10136
Mfr. No. H-6474
3MTM DOODLEBUGTM BROWN SCRUB ‘N STRIP PAD A heavy duty pad designed for tough cleaning and stripping jobs. ORDER NO. 600-85410 Mfr. No. F-8541 Size: 4-5/8" x 10"
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