Page 1023 - Parts and Accessories Catalogue 2022-2023
P. 1023

STEPS 1, 2 & 3
3MTM PERFECT-ITTM EX RUBBING COMPOUND Designed to remove scratches (P1200 or finer) with either a 3MTM wool pad or a 3MTM foam compounding pad.
ORDER NO. 600-36060 Mfr. No. 36060 Size: 946 mL
3MTM PERFECT-ITTM EX MACHINE POLISH Quick & effectively helps remove compound swirl marks, leaving an outstanding finish. The polish has a wetter formulation than the Regular 3MTM Perfect-ItTM Machine Polish (#600-06064). Good handling & easy cleanup. ORDER NO. 600-06094 Mfr. No. PN06094 Size: 946 mL
3MTM PERFECT-ITTM ULTRAFINE MACHINE POLISH Eliminates swirl marks and produces high gloss finish. Easy cleanup.
ORDER NO. 600-06068 Mfr. No. 06068 Size: 946 mL
3MTM PERFECT-ITTM GELCOAT COMPOUND + POLISH 3M’s new cutting compound plus polish is designed for removing light oxidation and P1000 and finer scratches on gelcoat while offering a finer finish and higher gloss than 3M TM Perfect-ItTM Gelcoat Heavy Cutting Compound. This compound plus polish is designed to be a single step system or be used as a second step to remove swirl marks and give a deeper gloss finish even on darker coloured gelcoats. ORDER NO. 600-30344 Mfr. No. 30344 Size: 946 ml
ORDER NO. 600-30345
Mfr. No. 30345 Size: 3.78 Litre
Dry powder with applicator used to highlight surface imperfections and sand scratches prior to finishing with abrasives. Can be used on marine fillers, primers, paints and gelcoat. Contains no solvents. Kit comes with applicator pad.
ORDER NO. 600-05861 Mfr. No. 05861 50g Cartridge with Applicator Kit. 6 Per Case.
This paste compound is designed to quickly remove P600 dual action or 1000 wet sanding scratches from production gel coat. This compound contains no wax or silicone and leaves a high gloss finish without swirl/wheel marks. It has a unique formulation which reduces slinging while buffing. Best results are obtained
when used with a 3MTM SuperbuffTM Pad (PN 05700) or 3MTM HookitTM Compounding Pad (Order No. 606-05711) on a slow speed polisher (1500-2500 RPM). Size: 1 Gallon
ORDER NO. 606-60251 Mfr. No. 06025
3MTM FINESSE-ITTM MARINE PASTE COMPOUND - WHITE 3MTM Finesse-itTM Marine Paste Compound-White is designed specifically for aggressive compounding of gelcoated fibreglass surfaces. This product is well suited for boat reconditioning of heavily oxidized surfaces/finishes. This product is also well suited for removing P800 sand scratches on production gelcoat and grade 1000 or 1200 sand scratches on tooling gelcoat. White colour reduces the potential for staining of light coloured boats. Has long-working time, requiring less compound to be used per application. Size: 1 Gallon
ORDER NO. 606-60390 Mfr. No. 06039
3MTM Finesse-ItTM II Machine Polish is designed for use on OEM and fully cured automotive paints. Can remove grade microfine 1500 sand scratches. Removes swirl marks after compounding while leaving a glazed finish.VOC content less than 17%.
ORDER NO. 606-05928 Size: 32 fl. oz. Mfr. No. 05928
3MTM MARINE SUPER DUTY RUBBING COMPOUND Designed to give a fast aggressive cut on all refinish and OEM paints. Can be used to remove heavy oxidation, minor orange peel and overspray. Also can be used to remove ultrafine or finer sand scratches. Should be used with an air or electric buffer. ORDER NO. 601-05954 Size: Quart Mfr. No. 05954 ORDER NO. 601-05955 Size: Gallon Mfr. No. 05955
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