Page 12 - 2021 Education Book
P. 12

13. What Previous Education do you need?
When you apply through the CAO (see page 12) you will indicate whether you have a Leaving Certificate, or a QQI Qualification, or an Access Programme, or as a mature student. These are called Pathways – see more details on these ‘Pathways’ to a Degree below.
(1) Leaving Certificate (LC) Level 5
• Most students in Ireland access higher education having completed the Leaving Certificate.
• The results achieved are converted into points and each degree will have a minimum
number of points (among other things) required in order to gain entry
(2) Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) Level 5 & 6
• Universities will usually reserve a percentage of places on most courses for people having completed a PLC course
• Institutes of Technology normally convert the results achieved into points and you will then be in open competition with the points achieved by Leaving Cert students mentioned above
(3) Access Programme – Level 6
• Some Universities/Colleges offer Foundation Access Programmes, this is a one year pre- University preparation course
• Some Access Programmes are open to International Protection Applicants e.g. AIT, UCD, UL, TU Dublin, NUIG, Trinity and St. Angela’s College (see pages 21-27)
• Normally when you achieve above a certain grade in the Access Programme the University will offer you a place on a Degree Course (but you still need to apply through the CAO).
(4) Mature Student
• A mature student is someone who is 23 years old before January 1st in the year you want to start your degree
• Most Universities/Colleges will require you to take an English Language Test to be sure your English is good enough for academic purposes (unless you have one of the above)
• IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the most commonly used testing system, and a level 6.5 is usually required
• Additionally you may be required to sit the MSAP (Mature Student Assessment Pathway)
• In all cases, please contact the Access Department to ask what they require from you
Two Further Important Things to Know:-
(a) There are some International Foundation Programmes on offer for €15,000+ for one year – these programmes are not necessary to attend University in Ireland.
(b) Also note that the health professions will require other pre-qualification assessments e.g. HPAT, GAMSAT, PAS
All information is for guidance only, it is not complete and any errors are unintentional. Please consult the relevant websites for accurate information

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