Page 2 - 2021 Education Book
P. 2
Contents Last Updated : 08 July 2021 Page No.
Overview of the Irish Education System
1. What is NFQ? (National Framework of Qualification in Ireland) .......... 3 2. What is QQI? (Quality and Qualification Ireland) ................................... 4 3. NARIC (how to have your previous qualifications recognised) ............. 5 4. How to Start you Education Journey in Ireland ....................................... 5
Further Education & Training
5. SOLAS (the state agency responsible for FET) ......................................... 7 6. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) .................................... 8 7. PLC (Post Leaving Certificate) ................................................................... 8 8. Apprenticeships .......................................................................................... 9 9. Work Permit and the Implications for Education .................................. 9 10. Youthreach ................................................................................................ 10 11. Springboard ............................................................................................... 10 12. Aontas (National Adult Learning Organisation) .................................... 10
Higher Education (Third Level Education)
13. What Previous Education do you need? ............................................... 11 14. How do you apply to go to University in Ireland ................................. 12 15. Publicly funded Universities & Institutes of Technology ................... 13
All information is for guidance only, it is not complete and any errors are unintentional. Please consult the relevant websites for accurate information