Page 58 - 2021 Education Book
P. 58
22. Other Postgraduate Funding suggestions
The state provides funding for Masters Degrees (level 9) to people with status - see SUSI on page 16. (see chart on page 5 for education levels in Ireland)
Some universities offer scholarships for Masters Degrees (level 9), see pages 48-53, to people with and without status.
It is rather difficult to source PhD/Doctorate (level 10) funding in Ireland for Irish citizens or people with status, and even harder for protection applicants.
Click here for information on postgraduate study.
The list below may help you to find some funding for level 9 and 10 postgraduate courses.
• (1) SUSU – Student Universal Support Ireland
• (2) UCD Graduate Research Scholarship Initiative
• (3) Research Funding Institutions ns/
• (4) This is a commercial site, it is a UK company but they also include Irish funding opportunities
• (5) Euroaxess - they post PhD positions across Europe including Ireland
There is also EUROAXESS Ireland which posts PhD positions over Europe.
• (6) Postgrad - Ireland's postgraduate course finder
• (7) Irish Research Council
• (8) Trinity College Dublin
Should anybody know of other funding sources, particularly for protection applicants I would be pleased if you could let us know so that we can share with others. Please email, thank you.
All information is for guidance only, it is not complete and any errors are unintentional. Please consult the relevant websites for accurate information