Page 10 - Demo
P. 10

 I N O C U L A T I O N
In the movies the new detective, seeing the body, pukes. In the movies the new detective, seeing the body, pukes.
I always thought this excessive. Strangled, stabbed, the I always thought this excessive. Strangled, stabbed, the
Body is by then an object, and all the feeling parts are in Body is by then an object, and all the feeling parts are in
The air above, swirling, causing vertigo in the onlookers. The air above, swirling, causing vertigo in the onlookers.
Funny how I feel it now. A hollowing out, a purple sense. Funny how I feel it now. A hollowing out, a purple sense.
Going about each day, feeding the cat, turning in stories, Going about each day, feeding the cat, turning in stories,
This hollowing out of my entrails. Surely people will see. This hollowing out of my entrails. Surely people will see.
No. I do not know the future. Can it be as bad as I think? No. I do not know the future. Can it be as bad as I think?
Why think? Get out the eggs, pop in the toast. Take it in. Why think? Get out the eggs, pop in the toast. Take it in.
The smell of coffee. There. Now. Here. Warm, real, dark. The smell of coffee. There. Now. Here. Warm, real, dark.
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