Page 27 - Packing for the Apocalypse Flip Book
P. 27
Still, why would having no sin and yet no Praise entitle one to mercy? No sin means No risk, no extension or investment of the Self into the worlds of struggling mankind Busy imagining, building, cultivating lives. How can this passivity or neglect be well? All effort can fail, but no effort always will.
Still. Hell aside, living has challenges. Pain For one. But in the taking-in of the breath, Even that can be a momentary elevation. One moment. While we open wide an eye To beauty shining on the horizon, growing Right underfoot. This is it. The day. Living Yet another day. Not to not sin but to love All that we love. And do whatever we can To help. See the smallest hummingbird or Chicken. The angry child. The old and out Of it. Love them. Even as ash falls or water Fails to come forth from the tap. Love it all.
In the end, there is time. Time. Always time. We in time, in place, in body can be awake To welcome what lies here and beyond us. To suffer or enjoy. To leave a mark to say: I Lived here. Loved it all. And it was so good.