Page 39 - Charlotte Latin Sports Magazine
P. 39

Connor was an All-State player last year, and we were excited to see Con- nor lead the team as one of our cap- tains this spring. Connor really stepped up his commitment to our off-season workouts and led by example in the weight room and during field work- outs. Connor does everything he can to help his team be successful; playing attack or midfield, working very hard to create offense, scoring goals with his hard and accurate shots, hustling on the ride and being a positive role mod- el for younger players. Connor would have been one of our all-time leading scorers if he were able to complete his senior season.
Matthew returned to the lacrosse team this spring after taking his junior year to compete on the track, and we were excited to have him back. Matthew is a solid player who worked to improve each day. This year we were planning to have Matthew compete as a defensive midfielder - his speed and strength were an asset defensively. Mat- thew’s power and quickness allow him to escape opponents, creating offense and fast breaks.
Evan came out for lacrosse for the first time at Latin as a senior. His speed and ability on the soccer field gave us hope that he could contrib- ute to the lacrosse program right away. We were delighted to see his stick skills were good but even more excited to see his ability to clear
the ball and cover good midfielders in the open field. Evan is another senior whose potential was certainly there and we wish we had had the opportunity to see him develop as a lacrosse player.
 TOGETHER WE FLY! #9 action

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