Page 7 - CLS Magazine Spring 2022
P. 7

LEFT TO RIGHT: Dave Mosrie, Sam Lucas, Thomas Hullinger, Max Rimler
  Congratulations Seniors!
   Thomas is a 4-year varsity baseball letterman who earned 2nd Team All-Con- ference honors last season as a junior. He was pre- sented with baseball’s Mr. Hawk Award last season, which goes to our team’s MVP. Thomas has manned centerfield over the past two seasons and his leadership and knowledge of the game have been a huge help to the coaching staff in getting our defense in the right posi- tions. In addition to baseball, Thomas also contributed to three wrestling state cham- pionship and serves as a senior leader for the Student Athlete Leadership Team, known as SALT. Thomas plans to attend
the University of Georgia in Athens and major in finance. He sends a special shout-out to his dad for introducing him to the game of baseball and guided him through the ups and downs of the sport for 12 years. As Thomas said, “I wouldn’t be where I am today without him.”
Sam is a 2-year varsity base- ball letterman. He brings great energy to our baseball program with his great sense of humor. Sam’s easygoing personality always makes practices, games or just hanging out with the team a great time. Sam’s bat came on strong at the end of last season and was one of the sparks of the team’s surge heading into the playoff.
He also helped the Hawks on the gridiron this year
in his second season as a starting offensive lineman. Sam’s favorite Charlotte Latin Baseball memory is the victory over Covenant Day in the playoffs last year. Sam is heading to the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL and plans to major in mar- keting. He would like to give a special shout-out to his dad for fueling his love for baseball.
Dave is a 4-year varsity baseball letterman that has also had great success as a multi-sport athlete at Char- lotte Latin. He contributed to three state championships as a varsity wrestler and earned All-State honors as a kicker for the football team this past fall. Dave’s hard work, versa- tility on the diamond and his lead-by-example atti-tude have been huge assets
for the Hawks as Dave has logged innings in the outfield, infield and on the mound during his playing career. His favorite memories at Char- lotte Latin include being a part of the first playoff victory in 18 years by beating Cov- enant Day last season and kicking the game-winning field goal against Charlotte Christian in football. Dave plans to attend Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts next year to continue his academic and athletic career. He wants to say a special thank you to
his parents and his brother for always being there and supporting him through this journey.
Max is another 4-year varsity baseball letterman. His high baseball IQ, his ability to play multiple infield positions, and his willingness to log plen-
ty of innings on the mound have been a huge bright spot for our team over the years. Max earned the team’s Silver Slugger Award last season as a junior for being one of our top varsity hitters. Max plans to attend Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA where he plans to studying pre-health scienc- es and continue his baseball career. His favorite Charlotte Latin Baseball memory is beating Covenant Day in last year’s playoffs and he credits the outstanding student sec- tion that night for their energy and support. Max wants to give a special thank you to his parents for always helping him get better, and to his brother for always making practice fun.

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