Page 33 - Purple Butterfly (1)
P. 33

  unit 1
3. Language
A sentence expresses a complete thought. A sentence may be classified as a declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory sentence.
Example: There was once a king’s daughter so beautiful that they named her the Fair One with Golden Locks.
Declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period. (.) Interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark. (?)
Imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. Most of these sentences end with a period. (.)
Exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling and ends with an exclamation point. (!) Examples:
Declarative Sentence: Fair One Golden Locks is a beautiful princess with blond hair. Interrogative Sentence: Where does Galifron live?
Imperative Sentence: Go and bring me the princess.
Exclamatory Sentence: Wow, he is a handsome man!

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