Page 118 - Orange Butterfly (2)
P. 118

  Language. Underline the irregular verb in the sentences and write if it is in present or past tense on the line.
1. K’ang-p’u took the wooden tablet in a basket.
2. he sees through the window the battle.
3. K’ang-p’u was really tired and he fell asleep.
4. K’ang-p’u knew if he lost the wooden tablet his father would be upset.
5. The soldiers threw out the people from their houses.
6. K’ang-p’u ran away from the soldiers.
7. he sits to rest for a while.
8. his grandfather’s spirit sat on the wooden tablet.
9. K’ang- p’u is a brave young boy.
10. he slept for hours under an arch.
Good job!

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