Page 128 - Orange Butterfly (2)
P. 128

 The circle itself represents the Tao, which is the unity out of which everything in creation is made from, according to Taoist beliefs.
The yin and yang also represent different parts of the body. one yin organ is the heart, while one yang organ is the stomach.
according to Traditional Chinese medicine, for someone to be healed from an illness, they must have their yin and yang balanced. Many patients swear to the fact that having them balanced cured them of chronic illness, and rid them of a lot of pain.
Different things can happen to lead to an imbalance in someone’s yin and yang. For example, if someone worked very hard (yang), during a hot day (yang), they might get a fever (yang). or if someone ate cold food (yin), on a cold, wet day (yin), they could get a cold and get a runny nose (yin). By balancing someone’s yin and yang, by adding more yin to someone with a fever, or adding more yang to someone with a cold, you can cure them, according to Chinese medicine’s beliefs.
another one of the most important beliefs in Chinese medicine is the balancing of qi. Qi is the ritual flow of energy that runs through your body. If it is blocked or is moving too fast or too slow, this will imbalance you, which allows sicknesses to affect you. Traditional Chinese medicine works by redirecting the qi back into how it is meant to be, and balancing it.
But how do these doctors balance them? herbs are greatly used in Chinese medicine. instead of everyone taking the same medicine when they get hurt, like traditional medicine, every prescription is a collection of different herbs, balanced in different amounts depending on each patient. These are used to make strong tea, which the patient drinks. The skills to make these teas are very rare, and take years of practice and studying. The balance in the ingredients has to be perfect, or it may not work, and just unbalance the patient even more. /2013/07/17/role-of-tea-in-tcm/
Many doctors now are discovering new ways to combine Western medicine (like the ones you are used to) with Chinese medicine. For example, it helps heal many of the side effects that are caused by modern medicine and medical treatments.
Chinese medicine is quickly becoming more and more common, with acupuncture centers being created all around the world, and more people learning about
how to balance their yin, yang, and qi. Who know? Maybe one day, when you get a headache, you’ll get a special tea instead of taking regular medicine.
What do you think? do you think Chinese medicine actually works?

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