Page 200 - Orange Butterfly (2)
P. 200

  Language. Fill in the sentences using the words from the previous exercise.
1. i write my name perfectly.
2. Please throw the trash in the trash .
3. i will   tomorrow morning to Mexico City.
4. There is a   in my soup, i won’t eat it anymore.
5. Today’s   is June 15, 2014.
6. The   are grown in California.
      Using However, Although, Nevertheless, Similarly, Moreover, and In Addition
The following words: however, although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, and in addition are conjunctions. it means they connect one idea to another idea in the sentence.
Although his head hurt, Thomas went to school.
In addition to studying music, he studies French.
i will study more for the quiz, however i will sleep late tonight.
           however, nevertheless, although: contrasts something in the sentence moreover, in addition, similarly: adds something to the sentence

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