Page 29 - Orange Butterfly (2)
P. 29

  Vocabulary. Write the missing letters of each vocabulary word. Use the clues to help you figure out the word.
1. ___ ___ th ___ r = someone who writes books
2. ___ ___ ar ___ = protection
3. w ___ ___ ___ ___ w = part of a house
4. ___ l ___ s ___ e ___ = something done when feeling embarrassed
5. i ___ d ___ g ___ ___ t ___ ___ n = anger felt when something is not fair
6. ___ ___ ___ ___ elf = That one identical with her
7. m ___ ___ ti ___ ___ = The act of referring to
8. b ___ e ___ th ___ ___ ___ = inhaling, exhaling
9. ___ ___ ___ ____ ig ____ t ___ ____ ___ ___ g = in a direct course
10. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ l ___ ___ ___ = those ones identical with you
11. ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ = to form a mental picture or image of
12. ___ ___ ___ ___ = closed
1. Your classmates and you will make a long line.
2. Your teacher will say a vocabulary word aloud.
3. each student will get to spell a letter from the word.
4. The student that misses a letter or misspells a letter will sit away from the line.
5. each student will have 10 seconds to say the letter.

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