Page 105 - Orange Butterfly (2)
P. 105

  unit 7
2. Vocabulary
Vocabulary. Choose the correct vocabulary word to complete the sentences
according to the selection.
1. he had a (brave - bright) , sunny face and a happy heart.
2. he was soon far out on the winding road among the (cornfields - soldiers) .
3. every child should be taught to honor their (soldiers - ancestors) .
       4. The (thieves - dwarf) had a long grey beard.
5. he walked out of the house into the little (hut - garden)
6. no one was to be seen. had he been (scolding - dreaming)
7. he went into the poor little house and stood for a moment looking at the wooden tablet.
. ?
(steadily - earnestly)
    8. He could see his grandfather's name written in (Chinese - repeated)
all the houses in his
 9. He must find out if the soldiers were really village.
10. he has taught you to (honor - obeyed) 103
(gathered - destroying)
and love me.

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