Page 127 - Orange Butterfly (2)
P. 127

  unit 7
4. Extension to Science Chinese Medicine
When your head hurts, what do you do? Your mom or dad most probably give you some medicine, you take it, and then you start feeling better. But millions of people decide not to do this. instead, they do something very different. They might get a massage on certain parts of their feet, drink special tea, or even push thin metal needles into their faces!
   and this isn’t a new trend; this is something that has been going on for 5,000 years! and it has surprisingly effective results. acupuncture, an ancient medical treatment that involves pushing needles into “pressure points”, which are certain parts of the body, has been used successfully as the only anesthetic in many surgeries. it has also helped a lot of people with many illnesses, like asthma or arthritis.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is sometimes called Traditional oriental Medicine, is based on the belief that the body will fight off diseases and be cured once its Yin, Yang, and Qi are in balance.
You have probably heard of yin and yang before, and have seen the famous black and white circle, which is called the “Taiji symbol”. it’s a very popular symbol in Western culture, even though a lot of people don’t really know what it means. For the Chinese, yin and yang are the two opposing elements that compose everything in the universe. Yin (represented by the black parts of the symbol) is associated with feminine nature, cold, and with the moon. Yang (represented by the white parts) is associated with the masculine nature, heat, and with the sun. The shape they are in shows how neither can exist without the other, since both contain a part of the other one. night becomes day, and the day becomes night, over and over and over.

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