Page 14 - Purple Butterfly Book 2
P. 14

He placed his empty bag and water bottles on his back, and seating himself on him, made signs for the creature to rise, and then suddenly started off.
Tramp, tramp, tramp, went Meek-eye over the soft sand. The night was cool and refreshing, and Ali felt stronger and braver with every tramp. The stars were shining brightly, and they were his only guides.
He knew the star, which was always in the north, and the one which was in the west after the sun had gone down. He must keep that star to the right, and he would be sure to be going towards the south.
   He journeyed on untill day began to dawn. The sun came up on the edge of the desert, and rose higher and higher. Ali felt faint, weary, and thirsty, and could scarcely hold himself on to Meek-eye. When he thought of his father and mother, he took courage again, and bore up bravely.
 It was not long before Ali found himself at one of those pleasant green islands, which are found throughout the desert, it was an oasis.
The sun was now at its height. Ali fancied he saw a palm-tree in the distance. It seemed as if Meek-eye saw it also, for he raised his head and quickened his step.

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