Page 191 - Purple Butterfly Book 2
P. 191
He peeped through the shutters as she passed by. The Princess happened to raise her veil, and Aladdin saw her face.
The moment Aladdin’s eyes rested upon the Princess, he loved her with all his heart.
“Mother,” he cried, “I have seen the Princess, and I have made up my mind to marry her. Go
at once to the Sultan and beg him to give his daughter to me.”
Aladdin’s mother laughed at the idea. The next day, however, she went to the palace, carrying
the magic fruit as a gift. No one paid any attention to her.
She went every day for a week, before the Sultan noticed that she was there.
“Who is the poor woman who comes here every day?” he asked. “Bring her forward. I wish to speak to her.”
Aladdin’s mother knelt before the throne and told the Sultan of her son’s love for the Princess. “He sends you this gift,” she continued, presenting the magic fruit.
The Sultan was astonished at the gift. He exclaimed, “Here indeed is a gift worthy of my daughter! Shall I not give her to the one who sends it?”
Then the Sultan told Aladdin’s mother to return in three months’ time, and he would give the Princess to her son in marriage.
When the time had passed, Aladdin again sent his mother to the Sultan.
“I shall abide by my word,” said the Sultan, “but he who marries my daughter must first send me
forty golden basins filled to the brim with precious stones.
“These basins must be carried by eighty slaves, all of them dressed in rich attire.”
Aladdin’s mother returned home.
“Your hopes are ended,” she cried.
“Not so, mother,” answered Aladdin.
Then he rubbed the Magician’s lamp. When the Genie appeared, Aladdin told him to provide the forty golden basins filled with jewels, and the eighty slaves.
When the procession reached the palace, the slaves presented the jewels to the Sultan.
He was so delighted with the gift that he was willing to have Aladdin marry the Princess without
“Go and tell your son that he may wed my daughter this very day,” he said to Aladdin’s mother.
Aladdin was delighted to hear the news. He ordered the Genie to bring a rich purple robe for him to wear; a beautiful white horse to ride upon; twenty slaves to attend him; six slaves to attend his mother; and ten thousand gold pieces to give to the people.
At last everything was ready. Aladdin, dressed in his royal robe, started for the palace. As he rode on the beautiful white horse, he scattered the gold coins among the people. They shouted with joy as they followed the procession.