Page 194 - Purple Butterfly Book 2
P. 194
Aladdin begged the Sultan to spare his life and grant him forty days in which to find the Princess. So Aladdin was set free. He searched everywhere, but he could find no trace of the Princess. In despair, he wrung his hands. As he did so, he rubbed the magic ring.
Instantly the Slave of the Ring appeared.
“What is thy will, master?” asked the Genie.
“Bring back the Princess and the palace,” said Aladdin.
“That is not within my power,” said the Genie. “Only the Slave of the Lamp can bring back the palace.”
“Then take me to the place where the palace now stands, and set me down under the window of the Princess.”
Almost before Aladdin had finished these words, he found himself in Africa, beneath a window of his own palace.
“Princess! Princess!” called Aladdin.
The Princess opened the window.
With a cry of joy, Aladdin entered and embraced the Princess. “Tell me, dear,” said he, “what has become of the old lamp that stood in the niche of the wall?”
“Alas!” replied the Princess. “A man came through the streets, crying, ‘New lamps for old!’ I gave him the lamp that stood in the niche, and the next I knew I was here.”
“The man is a Magician. He wished only to secure the magic lamp,” said Aladdin.
“The Magician is here,” said the Princess. “He carries the magic lamp hidden in his robes during the day, and he places it under his pillow at night.”
While the Magician was sleeping that night, Aladdin stole softly into the room and took the magic lamp from under the pillow. Then he rubbed the lamp and the Genie appeared.