Page 206 - Purple Butterfly Book 2
P. 206

 Vocabulary. Read the sentences carefully. Write the part of speech of each boldfaced vocabulary word.
Underline the word (or words) that can take the place of the vocabulary word. The first one has been done for you.
 1. “I shall abide by my word,” said the Sultan.
a) easing b) to comply with
 c) to wish
2. Then he returned home and once more summoned the Slave of the Lamp.
  a) called b) shouted
3. The Magician took a curious powder from his girdle. a) robe b) coat
4. “Bring her forward. I wish to speak to her.”
a) to the front b) to the back
c) wished
c) belt
c) to the middle
  5. Ah!” he exclaimed. “This is the very place for which I have been searching a) whispered b) shouted c) murmured
6. He who marries my daughter must first send me forty golden basins filled to the brim with precious stones.
  a) baskets b) pails
7. He stood amid several other people. a) surrounded b) fast
8. Here indeed is a gift worthy of my daughter! a) of value b) wonderful
9. Then full of rage the Magician rushed to the fire. a) hurry b) violent anger
c) containers c) here
c) so big
c) mad
   10. He returned, bringing a dainty breakfast served upon plates of pure gold.
a) Delicious and big b) small and pretty c) big and ugly

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