Page 59 - Purple Butterfly Book 2
P. 59
One morning, as Crusoe started for his canoe, a strange thing happened. He was walking along, and what do you suppose he saw? The print of a man’s foot in the sand! The sight made him cold all over. He looked around.
He listened, but there was not a sound, yet there in the sand was the print of a man’s foot--the toes, the heel, and the sole.
He did not go to the boat. Instead he hastened back to his cave. He was so frightened that it was some time before he ventured out again.
About a year after this, Crusoe was surprised one morning to see a bonfire on the shore. He looked through his spyglass and saw a company of savages who had landed in canoes and had built a fire.
They had two prisoners whom they were about to kill. One of them saw a chance to escape, and he made a sudden dash for his life, running with
great speed straight toward Robinson Crusoe.
Crusoe rescued this man. The man was very grateful.
Crusoe made him understand, after a time, that his name was to be Friday. It was on Friday that the man had been saved.
Crusoe taught him to say “Yes,” and “No,” and also to say “Master.” Friday became the faithful servant and companion of Robinson Crusoe. Many more years passed.