Page 87 - Purple Butterfly Book 2
P. 87
unit 6
5. Writing Workshop Opinion Piece
An opinion essay is an article written in a formal form that expresses the author’s personal opinion. It is important to state it clearly.
An opinion essay should have:
An introduction, in this paragraph the author states the topic. (Tell about the topic)
A body, which will contain all the details that support the main idea; the body can be formed by several paragraphs. (Facts)
A conclusion, it is the final paragraph and it is important to reinforce the author’s opinion using a strong closing statement. (Restate the author’s opinion)
1. PREWRITING. Brainstorm
First, choose a topic you feel strongly about. You can choose one of the topics below or make up your own.
Smoking must be banned in all public areas
Should notebook computers or tablets replace books? Should students be paid for having good grades? Teens should be able to vote
Students should grade their teacher