Page 141 - Orange Butterfly (1)
P. 141

Singular and Plural Nouns
Singular nouns name one person, place, thing, or idea.
Plural nouns name more than one person, place, thing, or idea.
To form the plural of some nouns you must add –s.
Words that end in –ch,x, s or s sounds, will form their plural by adding es.
if your noun ends in y you must change the y for an i and add –es. separate irregular nouns are the ones that don’t follow the rules when they are pluralized. Some irregular nouns change their spelling completely.
other irregular nouns have the same spelling for both the singular and plural form.
            Singular Nouns
1. girl
2. boy
3. tree
4. box
5. beach 6. baby 7. fly
8. berry
9. mouse 10. child 11. man 12. woman 13. leaf
14. calf
15. knife 16. deer 17. sheep 18. foot
19. person 20. wife
Plural Nouns
boys trees boxes beaches babies flies berries mice children men women leaves calves knives deer sheep feet people wives

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