Page 116 - Purple Butterfly Book 1
P. 116
Demonstrative Pronouns
A demonstrative pronoun replaces a noun or pronoun. There are four demonstrative pronouns.
These pronouns are this, that, these, and those.
This and that refer to singular nouns.
These and those refer to plural nouns.
This and these refer to nouns that are nearby in time or space. That and those refer to nouns that are further in time or space.
This was fonder of gold than of anything else in the whole world. These will help you untie the knot.
That will give you the power to stop them. Those are fun to play with.
Language. Underline the correct demonstrative pronoun that best completes the sentence.
1. (This, These) was the strangest thing.
2. (That, Those) are beautiful children.
3. (That, Those) is full of mystery.
4. (These, This) destroyed all the cities in a while.
5. Epimetheus brought (these, this) from the forest.
6. There could be no harm in (that, these); I need not open the box even if I undo the knot.
7. (These, That) is a secret, answered Epimetheus.
8. (This, Those) was the first time he had played without Pandora.
9. (These, This) are mine.
10. (That, These) was very hard to learn.