Page 164 - Purple Butterfly Book 1
P. 164

  unit 4
5. Writing Workshop Descriptive Writing
A description creates a picture of what the author is describing; it will use sensory details, this means details that appeal to the senses. It will tell what the author sees, tastes, hears, smells, and feels.
Remember, adjectives will make your writing more interesting. Use adjectives to add details to your writing.
Read the paragraph below.
“Once upon a time there was an old widow who had one son and, as she was poor and weak, her son had to go up into the safe to fetch meal for cooking;”
Now, imagine the paragraph with no adjectives. It would be harder for you to picture the widow without the adjectives old, poor and weak. The author’s purpose was for the reader to imagine the widow as a vulnerable woman, and he succeeded with the help of adjectives.
First, you will choose a painting by your favorite artist. Make a list of adjectives to describe the painting. Write sentences using the adjectives you just wrote. You can also write comparison sentences.

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