Page 75 - Orange Butterfly Book 1
P. 75

  The Great Wall of China’s real name is 00, 0000 00000000000000 which means long fortress. This is a pretty funny name when you think about it. it would be like naming your pet dog, “Dog”!
interesting facts:
• During the Ming dynasty, almost one million soldiers defended the Great Wall.
• Thereisalegendthatsaysthatahelpfuldragontoldtheworkerswherethewallshould be built.
• Many people believe that you can see the Great Wall of China from the moon, but this isn’t true. from the moon, the earth looks about the size of a marble, and it can be hard to make out the shape of continents, let alone anything man-made.
• BecausetheGreatWallofChinaisn’tonesinglepart,butratheracollectionofmedium and small segments, the mongols had no problem conquering most of northern China in the 11th century. They simply went around it!
• It is the longest man-made structure on Earth.
• While it was being built, the Great Wall was called “the longest cemetery on Earth” since more than one million people died while making it.
• Many temples to the war god, Guandi, were built next to the Great Wall.
• Manyyearsago,familymembers of the people who died working on the Great Wall would carry the coffin, on top of which was a caged white rooster, across the Wall. its crowing was supposed to keep the spirit awake until they crossed the Wall; otherwise, the family thought the spirit would escape and wander forever on the Wall.

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