Page 139 - Orange Butterfly Book 2
P. 139

  unit 8
Aesop in Rhyme
    (From Aesop in Rhyme by Marmaduke Park)
  herdsMan, who lived at a time and a place
Which, should you not know, is but little disgrace, discovered one morning, on counting his stock,
That a sheep had been stolen that night from the flock.
“oh, i wish i had caught ye, whoever ye be,
i’d have soon let you know, i’d have soon let ye see, What he had to expect,” said the herdsman, “i trow; But i’ve thought of a scheme that will trouble you now.”
So what did he do, sir, but put up a board, describing the thief, and proposed a reward
of a lamb, to the man who would give information Concerning the thief, and his true designation.
The project succeeded; for soon there applied
a certain near neighbor, with others beside.
“But tell me the thief,” said the herdsman, “at least;” “Come hither,” said they, “and we’ll show you the beast!”
“The beast!” said the rustic, who thought he should die on The spot, when he found that the thief was a lion!
“ill luck to my hurry, what now shall i do?
i promised a lamb to detect you ‘tis true;
But now i’d consent all my substance to pay, if i could but with safety get out of your way.”

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