Page 78 - Orange Butterfly Book 2
P. 78

it is the fourth planet from the Sun.
It has a rocky terrain, with polar ice caps of ice and carbon dioxide.
it is named after the roman god of war, Mars, (known to the Greek’s as ares), because, since it’s a red planet, it is the color of blood.
its characteristic red color comes from the rust in the rocks and the dust.
did you know it is much colder than earth, because it is farther away from the Sun and also because it has much less air to keep the heat in?
Mars has the largest volcano in the Solar System.
it has two very small moons. one is called deimos, which means panic. The other, larger, moon is called Phobos, which means fear.
a Martian day is called a sol, and it lasts 24 hours and 37 minutes. of all the planets in the Solar System, it is the most earth-like.
It is the fifth planet from the Sun.
Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System (11 times bigger than earth!)
it is a “gas giant” (which means it consists mostly of gas, and is very large). other gas giants are Saturn, Uranus, and neptune.
it can be seen from earth without a telescope, and is the third brightest object in the night sky.
it gives off more heat than the heat it gets from the Sun. its gravity is 10 times stronger than earth’s.
The name Jupiter comes from the roman god (known to the Greek’s as the all-mighty Zeus).
it has at least 67 moons, though 55 of these are very small, and less than 5 km wide. one of its moons, Ganymede, is the largest moon in the Solar System.

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