Page 119 - Orange Butterfly 1
P. 119

  unit 4
Read the fables carefully.
(From Favorite Fables in Prose and Verse)
     The ant, compelled by thirst, went to drink in a clear, small stream of water but the current, with its circling movement snatched her away, and carried her down the stream. a Dove, pitying her, found a branch from a neighboring tree and let it fall into the water. Because of this the ant saved herself and got ashore. Not long afterwards, a hunter, wanting to kill the Dove, hid in some bushes to shoot her without the Dove seeing him. The ant saw him, and, just as he was going to put pull the trigger, she bit his heel, and made him give so sudden a start that the Dove got scared and flew away, safe.
Kindness to others seldom fails of its reward; and none is so weak that he may not be able in some fashion to repay it. Let us show kindness without looking for a return, but a blessing will surely follow.

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