Page 145 - Yellow Butterfly (2)
P. 145

When he was a teenager, he moved to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen,wishing to become an actor, but the truth was he was not a very good actor or singer. He later received a scholarship to attend the University, and after a few years he graduated.
Andersen was not a very good student, his writing was not up to the university´s standards, and they considered it simplistic. He wrote how he spoke, and that is one of the reasons his stories are so well understood today, considering they were written so many years ago.
 After school, he wrote several poems and plays, but it was not until he was about 30 that he started writing some of his famous fairy tales that we all know today. It was with these wonderful stories that he started to become famous. He used his own life as part of his stories. People believe that the story about The Ugly Duckling was based on his own life.
Even though he wrote many fairy tales for children, there are others he wrote for adults.
Andersen died in Copenhagen, Denmark on August 4, 1875.

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