Page 35 - Red Butterfly (2)
P. 35

• African elephants have tusks (males and females).
• Only male Asian elephants have tusks.
• Elephants use their tusk for digging and getting food.
• Tusks are made of ivory. This is a very valuable material. Sadly, some elephants are killed so people can cut their tusks aff and sell them.
• An elephant’s trunk is its nose and upper lip joined together.
Elephant’s tusks
     Elephant’s trunk
• An elephant uses its trunk to get food and suck water to pour into its mouth. They also use it to get mud whitch they spray over their bodies for protection against the sun.
• Elephants have their own handshake; an elephant can wrap its trunk around the trunk of another elephant.
• Elephants in the wild live between 50 and 70 years.
• Elephants live in families. The leader is usually the oldest female elephant. All of the other females and their babies follow her.
• Elephants love to eat and drink. They are plant eaters. They are so big they spend most of the day eating.
It is a fact; elephants are unique! Do you like elephants?

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