Page 99 - Red Feather Book 2
P. 99
he was sleeping, the soldiers of the King came to arrest him and they took away his rings and a magical sword that he had also forged. The king knew very well that Volund was a master smith, so he forced him to create weapons and ornaments for his palace, thus Volund worked as a slave for many years.
Volund dreamed of being reunited with his wife and escaping from the cruel king, so he fashioned a pair of wings that resembled the ones his wife possessed and kept them hidden from the guards. A perfect opportunity for escape finally presented itself when the king wished to have Volund’s magical sword repaired. He took it to the imprisoned smith and Volund, having cleverly created a copy, switched the swords when no one was looking. With his long-lost weapon back in his hands he was able to fight off the guards and escape. He strapped on the wings that he had created and flew away to his cottage. There, much to his surprise, he found his wife asleep in a chair. On her finger was the ring she had taken from his workshop. Filled with joy, Volund picked up the sleeping woman in his arms and flew with her to Alfheim, where they lived together in peace and harmony.
Ragnarok- The Winter of the World.
FoR three long years the season of winter fell over the sacred tree of the world. The first year, a heavy blanket of snow covered the lands and seas. A cruel, cold wind blew constantly, it was difficult for humans to keep warm, and there was no spring for the planting of crops and no autumn for harvesting them. During the second year, the winter of the sword, there was much fighting in the world. Families fought against each other for food and supplies. The snow was stained a deep crimson. The third year of winter was known as the winter of the wolf. An evil witch had unleashed the great wolf Managarm to destroy all living beings on the tree of life. The gods and goddesses of Asgard trembled as they thought of the prophecy they knew would come true, that one day a ferocious wolf would spring from the bowels of the earth and devour the sun and the moon and the world would be no more. The frost giants were stirred into action by all the omens and the Aesir had to prepare for Ragnarok.
The venomous serpent Jormungand, who had been sleeping at the bottom of the seas, rose from the waves in a terrible rush of water. Great waves sprung into the air, bringing tidal waves and destruction to the earth. All living mortals were washed away. As the waters of the sea covered everything, the frost giants climbed aboard their ship Naglfar and joined the ships from the underworld. Odin retreated to the well of Mimir. He dipped his hands into the Well of wisdom and asked Mimir what he should do as the leader of all the gods and goddesses. Mimir advised Odin to take the Aesir to Virgrith, crossing
The Red Feather Literature Second Course