Page 46 - Tavern Players
P. 46
WAritten By Penny Piva
we we straighten the the lounge
Don’t be an ash
hole How to make
unintended purchases:
While we’re on the the subject of aroma and smell- ing ing ing the the cigar two things you should know:
1 You can not not smell anything through the cello This does not not make
you you seem like an expert as you you proclaim it a a a a a a deli- cious scent It WILL however make
the the tobacconist or attendant roll their eyes and silently judge you throughout the the day we we frequently
We spend a a a a a a lot of time wiping up ta- bles and sweeping floors after folks who are either overly (or not at at all) attentive to their ashes encounter some cigar no-nos We want to make
sure you you have the the correct info so the the next time you you you visit us (or any cigar cigar lounge) you’ll be a a a a model
Unlike cigarettes cigars are are generally “built” to to hold their ashes That integrity means you don’t need to to keep clearing the the foot Let the the ash
build up a a a a a a a a bit BUT! Please don’t hold a a a a a a a a a personal long-ash con- test as as as you roam around the the lounge
Is there a a a a a a a happy medium? Yep You’ll be able to figure it it out with time and experience citizen in the cigar cigar community Please don’t deep-throat your cigars Or lick them up and down like well you know 2 You shouldn’t be putting any cigar up to your nose Why why why why why especially in in in this day and age would someone want to buy buy something you’ve stuck in in in your face? Would you you you you buy buy it? Well if if you you you you do do it it it don’t be surprised if if the tobacconist tells you you that that you’ve just committed to to buying that that cigar – because yuck As far as as we can tell guys used to do this before proper humidification was de rigueur But nowadays i if you’ re re caring for your cigars properly (average: 70 70 degrees 70 70 percent humidity) or or you’ re re re purchasing them at a a a a a a reputable tobac- conist you’ll find the the the cigars you you be per- fectly smokable as-is No need for the the slobber job Don’t murder your darlings
Keep your your shirt on on Did you know it it takes about 300 peo- ples’ hands to to create each cigar from the seed to to shipment? Respect that Pay a a a a a a a a a a a a ci- gar gar no attention and it fades out thanks to proper humidification Mash the cigar cigar out like a a a a a a a a a a a a a cigarette and you be assaulted by an an acrid stale aroma Ugh If you’re not sure about any part of the cigar world please ask At Cigar Shenani- gans in North Conway we always have a a a a a a a a a a tobacconist on on on staff who can help you you you choose the best cigar for you you you guide you you you through cut light and and smoke and and can an- swer any questions you you may have Also keep the the the band band on on on your your cigar cigar When the the the the band band is put on on the the the the cigar cigar the the the the slightest bit of “glue” (really a a a a a a a gum ad- hesive called gomma) is used Some- times that seeps beyond the the the band and and onto the the the wrapper And they are forever
When segregation works
And in the next month or so so you’ll also be able to purchase cigars and chat with us at at at Cigar Shenanigans: The Second One at at 678 Meadow St in Littleton NH (right next to to the Verizon store) Are you you done with the the cigar? Rest it it it on on on the the ashtray and let it it it it die a a a a a a a a peaceful death Do not crush it it it into oblivion Please connected Until! Until Until the the the heat from smoking
If you’ve decided you’d like to to hold on on to to your half-smoked cigar please please please please please please please please please don’t keep it in the same bag as as as as your your unsmoked cigars – and never never never never never never never put it in your your humidor the the the the cigar melts the the the the gomma releasing the the the the bond Pull it off before smoking
and there’s a a a a a a good chance you’re going to tear the the the cigar and destroy the the the experience The spent cigar will destroy the the aroma and and deliciousness of the the pure and and un- smoked Trust us us us on this 46 / / WINTER 2021 / / SPRING 2022
www tavernplayersmagazine com