Page 10 - PhD GT
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Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Table 4.6
Table 5.1
Table 5.2 Table 5.3
Table 5.4 Table 6.1 Table 7.1
Table 7.2 Table 7.3 Table 8.1 Table 8.2 Table 8.3 Table 8.4
Table 8.5 Table 8.6 Table 8.7
Table 8.8 Table 8.9
Rank ordering of the six response choices p88
Meanings of the response choices p89
Meanings attributed to the five response choices (condensed) p90
Percentages of responses to each question which are accounted for by the combined responses Rarely and Infrequently and by the response choice Often p91
The samples recruited for Study 3: sample size and measures administered to each p110
Correlations among ICSdrg part scores and the LDQ p115
Correlations between ICSdrg part scores, number of days using and quantity used on heaviest day p118
Correlations and comparisons between the means for time 1 and time 2 responses to the three parts of the adapted Impaired Control Scale p119
Correlations and comparisons between the means for responses at t1 and t2 to the adapted Coping Behaviours Inventory p139
Correlations and comparisons between the means for t1 and t2 responses to the Social Satisfaction Questionnaire (SSQ) p154
Study participants traced at three month follow-up (t2) p158 Study participants traced at twelve month follow-up (t3) p159 Drug group and age by gender p161
t1 data by substance p162
Patterns of drug taking and drinking for men and women by substance group p164
Percentages of Sample 6 seen at three months and at twelve months by drug use and gender, and mean age p165
t1 measures for Sample 6, Sample 6a and the group not seen at t2 p166 Changes detected over the three month follow-up period in Sample 6a p168
Numbers and percentages of participants abstinent, using intermittently or using daily at intake (t1) and at three month follow-up (t2) p168
t1 measures for Sample 6, Sample 6b and the group not seen at t3 p170 Changes detected over the twelve month follow-up period p171

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