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Table 9.7 Percentage of participants in each drug group who had statistically reliable change and clinically significant change by drug group in the first three month follow-up period: Sample 6c (n=101; 3 missing cases)
statistically reliable change
clinically significant change
heroin alcohol significanc (n=59) (n=39) e
52.5% 48.7% ns 33.9% 28.2% ns
Table 9.8
criteria for clinically significant change over the follow-up period between three months and
Total dependence and change scores for those in Sample 6c who met the two twelve months; n = 24
LDQ t1
mean 22.8 SD 5.1 median 23 mode 22*
LDQ t2
17.9 5.8 18 11
LDQ t3
2.9 2.8 1.5 1
LDQ change bet t1 and t2
4.9 6.5 4
LDQ change between t2 and t3
15.1 6.4 13 13
* multiple modes exist of which this is the lowest
Sixty five participants in Sample 6c had statistically reliable change in dependence between intake and twelve months and 12 participants had statistically reliable change (a reliable change score greater than >1.96) at the end of each of the follow-up periods.
When reliable change and clinically significant change data between three month and twelve month follow-up for Sample 6c were analysed by drug group, no significant differences were found between the proportion of heroin users in the heroin group and the proportion of alcohol users in the alcohol group who had only statistically reliable change or both statistically reliable and clinically significant change (see Table 9.9). In both analyses, smaller proportions of alcohol users than heroin users had clinically significant changes in their dependence scores but these differences were