Page 265 - PhD GT
P. 265
22. Looking on the bright side and trying to .57 .92 stop making excuses for myself
23. Realising its affecting my health .34 .92
24. Start doing something in the house .43 .92
25. Considering the effect it will have on my .51 .92 family
26. Reminding myself of the good life I can .49 .92 have without drugs
27. Getting in touch with old friends who do .53 .92 not use drugs
28. Making up my mind that I'm going to .45 .92 stop playing games with myself
29. Eating a good meal .50 .92
30. Avoiding places where I used drugs .55 .92
31. Thinking about all the people who have .60 .91 helped me
32. Saying I am well and wish to stay so .68 .91
33. Going to sleep .17 .92
34. Remembering how it has affected my .56 .92 family
35. Forcing myself to go to work .36 .92
36. Trying to face life instead of avoiding it .56 .92
37. Using .30 .92 antabuse/naltrexone/methadone/another
38. Doing exercise
.42 .92